Material Calculator

Looking to determine the amount of material you need? Simply input the dimensions of your designated area, including length, width, and depth, and allow us to conveniently calculate the necessary quantity for you.

Coverage Guidelines

*Please note conversions are approximate for categories listed 

One Ton of Rock Covers:
240 square feet – 1″ deep
120 square feet – 2″ deep
80 square feet – 3″ deep
60 square feet – 4″ deep
50 square feet – 5″ deep
40 square feet – 6″ deep
20 square feet – 12″ deep

One Cubic Yard of Soil or Wood Mulch Covers:
300 square feet – 1″ deep
150 square feet – 2″ deep
100 square feet – 3″ deep
75 square feet – 4″ deep
50 square feet – 6″ deep
1 square feet – 12″ deep